Conceptual Gaps in the Cartesian System
The aim of this article is to point out the conceptual gaps in the Cartesian system as well as to explain the need to fill in those gaps. In author’s opinion, this might contribute to a greater clarity and logical coherence of Descartes’s thought. The Author analyses in detail only two of such terms: methodics and methodology. Both of them have a categorial character, but the first one is more general than the other. Briefly, methodics refers to cognitive, moral, religious and other rules, while methodology refers to those rules which are recommended and applied within the aforementioned areas. The Author also assumes that we have to do with methodics when we prepare ourselves to intellectually enter each of those areas of thought and practical conduct and when we seek those reasons which make our thought and action rational. On the other hand, we have to do with methodology when we are in one of those areas and are heading for—in a rationally planned manner—the goals set in it.
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