An Attempt to Determine the Language of Metaphysics in the Light of the Work Language and the Real World by Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec
There is a need of the language to be a proper tool for transferring of all the riches of our thoughts. We consider the abstract thinking as one of the higher activities of human mind. That kind of thinking has its use in the domain of metaphysics. Considerations concerning language as proper for communication in metaphysics became the subject of the work Language and the Real World by Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec. After analysing Krąpiec’s work, one can conclude that natural language requires certain clarifications to be a communication tool corresponding with metaphysics. Well, it would be needed to extract a refined language in the context of the natural language. In order to extract it one would require a description of a dictionary and a definition of the rules for constructing well-formed formulae. After the analyses it turned out that the dictionary of the language in question would be a set of names. In turn syntax rules of that language should be based on a relation defined in the set of names. A relation that would be suitable to formulate these rules is known to linguists as hyponymy.
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