Free Will and the Idea of the Last Judgement

  • Stanisław Judycki University of Gdansk, Faculty of Social Sciences
Keywords: free will; moral good and moral evil; Last Judgement; Christian eschatology


In his article, the author seeks to demonstrate that if there is a free will that results in good or evil, there must also be a Last Judgment, as there must be a proper settlement of the good or evil done. The existence of free will, which can produce good and evil, would be completely anomalous and pointless if there were no Last Judgment, and there are no pointless things in the world as we see it. The converse is also justified: if in the history of human cultures—in the history of religious systems since ancient times, at least from ancient Egypt—there is a belief in a court to which dying persons are subject, such a judgment only makes sense when people have free will to do good or evil. Thus, the idea of the Last Judgment supports the belief that free will exists.


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