Character, Goodness: In Relation to the Autobiographical Novel by Raimond Gaita My Father Romulus
The purpose of the text is to demonstrate a distinction between good or virtue and evil or vice, introduced by Hannah Arendt on the grounds of the novel by Hermann Melville Billy Budd. I analyze this distinction in relation to the life story of Romulus Gaita, the hero of the autobiographical novel My father Romulus, written by the Australian ethicist Raimond Gaita. The first paragraph deals with the said distinction, indicating the re-evaluation of such concept as virtue and vice in Melville’s novel and his understanding of virtue. Then (paragraph 2), I make an attempt to answer the question of why Gaita writes about his father using a category of character instead of virtue. Then (paragraph 3), I reflect on the relationship between virtue, character, goodness and Romulus’s mental illness. Finally (paragraph 4), I answer the question about the metaphysical foundation on which Gaita forms his conviction about the superiority of Good and goodness over virtue, and I show what particular components make up the ethics of goodness assumed by Romulus.
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