Wykorzystanie technologii informacyjnych w polskich przedsiębiorstwach
The purpose of the article is to carry out analyses of how Poland-based enterprises from the non-financial sector employing at least 10 employees make use of information technologies and how this use has changed if compared with the period 2008-2010. The comparison is done against the background of firms from the European Union, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.
In the introduction, the author puts forward a hypothesis – which is verified further in the article, thanks to the analysis of statistical data concerning the chosen countries. In that part, the choice of countries has also been justified. Next, the definitions of the analysed phenomena are cited. Further on, the research methods are shown, along with the specification and justification of the choice of research instruments and the time-span of the analysis. The largest part of the study is devoted the analysis of the chosen indicators concerning purchases and sales in enterprises. After describing each of them, the research results are shown. The findings are revealed in the conclusion.
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