Bomba emerytalna tyka

  • Tomasz Gruszecki Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Słowa kluczowe: dług publiczny; PKB (GDP); emerging markets; dług jawny; dług utajony; bomba emerytalna


The problem of the dangerously increasing public debt, especially in highly developed countries, is now widely known, and the governments of the EU countries already make attempts at stopping the growth of the debt and at decreasing public expenses. The danger of the spiral of liabilities connected with the benefits already granted by the state, mainly pensions, is less known. Economists call this phenomenon „the pension bomb”. A lot of reports have been compiled that are connected with the issue, and a very famous one, compiled in the CATO Institute in the USA in 2010 is discussed in the present article.
