Efektywna komunikacja w przedsiębiorstwie

  • Anna Borawska Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Słowa kluczowe: komunikowanie się; bariery w komunikacji; optymalizacja komunikacji


Communicating in an organization is one of the most important problems of modern companies. The wrong system of communication is an outer symptom of latent disturbances in organization.

The process of communication should be worked out the best that it is possible, so that the work of the economic entity was most effective. Managers should know in what way to maximize the potential profits on communication and minimize possible problems by overcoming the barriers in communication.

Introducing the system of open inner communication often encounters resistance, especially in those Polish organizations that functioned in the system of centrally directed economy. However, active, creative, enterprising, well educated, young people who are not afraid of risks, may profit from the new culture, in which communicating plays a dominating role. On the other hand, those who cannot adopt their attitudes to the new conditions and keep to the old schemas of thinking and acting, lose.

Owing to good communication one may achieve great successes, but ignoring it he may experience a spectacular failure.


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