Japonia jako eksporter i importer kapitału w formie bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych

  • Wanda Nowara Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Słowa kluczowe: inwestycje bezpośrednie; Japonia; korporacje


The aim of the article is to indicate the role played by Japan as an exporter and importer of direct investments as compared to other countries. Japan, as a leading world economy that boasts of having one of the largest consumer markets, plays a great role as an investor and a small one as an importer of the capital. In the context of relative investments to the economic potential, the country’s place is low in both categories. The main areas of investment for Japan are in the manufacturing industry, especially car and electronic equipment industry. The USA are the most important place Japanese investments are made in as well as the most important foreign investor. Important bilateral partners also include Holland and Great Britain; and as the place for investments Asia has been acquiring importance. However, it is not easy for Japan to draw foreign investors despite attempts to implement special programs.


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