e-Intelligence Tools in the Customer Consumption Analysis

  • Jesús Sanchez Cotobal Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid
Keywords: business strategy; customer loyalty; difference in consumption; identifies relationships; reduce costs


It´s been analyzed in these pages a business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase consumption through customer loyalty. The new economy demands new strategies and new business models. Both approaches must be aimed at exploiting the new media where business is taking place: the Internet. Companies that simply add technology to old processes or ways to carry out business, will not survive.

The transformation process demands that upper management provide Leadership, and as a consecuence its Operating Model becomes a true reflection of such leadership by fostering new employee roles, new financing models as well as education models. Employees will benefit from new means of communication and availability of resources that will empower them to carry out these changes. The success of the eBusiness transformation process lies on the ability to measure its progress and impact both periodically and precisely.

Once the segmentation of our actual and potential clients is defined It must be designed through which channels we will get to them; that is, knowing the customer development plan through the management of campaigns. I´ve just recommend creating a hierarchical structure of type campaign management system campaign, program and cell or cell. The campaign is in the top level and uses a lot of programs designed to reach a set of marketing´s goals. A good example might be: “2013 customer loyalty campaign”. At that moment the company establishes the elements of measurement and allocates budget to retain profitable customers during the year 2013. The campaigns management is the heart of the implementation of CRM strategy command center. A program is a specific marketing tactic within a campaign.

An example might be: “program coupons which reward customer loyalty”. The programme defines most of the content on the tactics of marketing to use, including bid, the message, the means to be used, the segments to attack, etc. Cell or test cell have more refined level. Its purpose is to test the effectiveness of the program or a component of the program. Cells must have an associated response code that allows the measurement of the result, its quick identification and the degree of success achieved.
