Zasady generalne dotyczące połączenia osób prawnych w kanonicznym porządku prawnym

  • Ginter Dzierżon Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Słowa kluczowe: system kanoniczny; połączenie osób prawnych; publiczna osoba prawna; prywatna osoba prawna


The author of the presented article focused his attention on the issue of principal rules concerning aggregates of juridic persons in the canonical legal order. The analyses he carried out show that canon 121 CIC includes only dispositions regarding aggregates of public juridic persons. This approach to the problem, as the author suggests, results from the predominant doctrine of 1917 Code which accentuates the public nature of the canonical legal order. The author also believes that ignoring the dispositions concerning aggregates of private persons in canon 121 CIC should be considered as fully justified.

The book of general norms (lex generalis) includes codified general solutions applicable in both code and non-code areas of law. On the other hand, the functioning of private juridic persons within the canonical legal order is characterized by significant autonomy. Because of the nature of such subjects, codifying the solutions regarding this type of aggregate of persons would be senseless.

Moreover, the author took the position that the canonical system also allows mixed aggregates of persons, i.e. joining private and public juridic persons. This kind of fusion may result in forming both public and private juridic persons.


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