Wynagrodzenie duchownych w Republice Słowackiej

  • Jozef Marčin Uniwersytet Katolicki w Ružomberku
Słowa kluczowe: państwo; Kościół; bezpieczeństwo ekonomiczne; prawo


This article discusses the reward system of the clergy by the state. Slovakia is one of the few countries where the priests – servants cult the of worship, are rewarded by the state. At first glance, it seems that it is an expression of generosity to the Church, but history shows that the reason of it there is an attempt to subjugate the Church by the State. That’s why the first part of the article began a brief overview of the history of the financial relations of Church and State in the years 1948-1949, and then author went on a particular Act No. 218/1949. It was about the economic security of the Church. According to the regulations from 14.10.1949 (one of the oldest legal writing) depending on the financial resources were paid from the state budget.


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