Conception of the Relation Between the State and the Church According to Helmut Juros

Keywords: state-Church relations, state, Church, legitimacy, Helmut Juros


An issue regarding the relations between the state and the Church has accompanied humanity for a long time and it is still relevant in contemporary discussions. It is also the subject of analyses carried out by the 20th century thinkers, who undertake, among other things, to indicate some proposed solutions aimed at defining correct (proper) relations between the state and the Church. The author attempts to present and characterise the thought of Helmut Juros on the mutual relations between the state and the Church, as well as the thought defining the character of these relations. For this purpose, she presents a conception of the criticised type of relationship between the state and the Church by Helmut Juros and then the preferred one. She relates Juros’ conception of the type of these relations to their contemporary model and its legitimacy.


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