Protection of the Family in the 1983 Code of the Canon Law

Keywords: canon law, marriage, family, rights and obligations


This study explores the issue of the family in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. In the context of the attacks that the institution of the family has been experiencing in recent months, the attention has been paid to its theological bases in canon law. The Bible is the first source that set forth a man created by God who is able to make a decision in order to build a family. While the family is the foundational institution of society ordained by God. Jesus elevated the natural institution of marriage to the dignity of a sacrament. The Second Vatican Council in many of its documents raised the issue of the family and indicated that it has very important tasks in the Church and the world, including family mission and apostolate.

The 1983 Code of Canon Law secures numerous rights and reminds you of family responsibilities. Based on the natural law and divine revelation, the Church legislator emphasized the right to raise children in accordance with faith and imposed the obligation to shape the human personality in the Christian spirit. The Code highlights that the family has the right to obtain help from pastors and other institutions supporting the family. Furthermore, it indicates the duties and rights of the family to participate in the life and mission of the Church.


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