The Permeating of Pastoral and Finance Council Tasks to Fulfill the Ecclesiastical Purposes in the Context of Polish Particular Law

Keywords: parish pastoral council, parish finance council, grouping tasks, mission of the laity in the world, care for the Church


The parish councils support the implementation of the lay apostolate in the world. They take responsibility for the community of the Church. The pastoral and finance issues are closely linked with one another. This arises from the obligation of the Christian faithful to permeate the world with the spirit of the Gospel. Therefore, the legal process of establishing two separate councils often does not meet with actual implementation. Even though they were establish legitimately, they may not function properly. The parish finance council that will not be in harmony with the pastoral goals of the Church could undermine the rationality of a council as such. Whereas the activity of the pastoral council, which would deal primarily with the economic state of the parish would be contrary to law. It should be noted that the activity of the laity in the administration of the ecclesiastical goods, charitable and missionary activity are significant components of the Christian maturity. It requires responsibility for the local community, the missionary Church, but also for people responsible for worship and caring for the sacred places.


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