General Norms or General Rules – Reflections after the Renaming of Book I of The 1983 Code of Canon Law in the 2021 Polish Translation
In the presented study the subject of the author’s interest became the change of the name of Book I of the 1983 Code of Canon Law in the latest Polish translation (of 2021) – “General Norms” was changed to “General Rules”. The considerations started with the characterisation of the regulations of general character before the Code, followed by a criticism of the current typical name De normis generalibus. Pointing to Romance commentators, the author suggested that the Latin-speaking ecclesiastical legislature, like the aforementioned canonists, may have perceived the norm as a rule. A further discussion presented other types of general rules in the Code and their relation to Book I, and from the aspect of legal theory showed the relation of the rule to the norm. According to the author, the renaming of this book in the new translation of the Code is appropriate.
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