The Legal and Liturgical Dimension of the Permanent Female Acolyte Ministry in the Light of the Amendment to can. 230 § 1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law
Using the historical and legal method, the article presents the legal and liturgical dimension of the permanent ministry of female acolytes in the Roman Catholic Church. In a condensed way, it presents the legal and liturgical history of acolyte ordination. The author discusses the origin, progress, and consequences of the reform of minor orders instituted in 1972. One of its outcomes was the introduction of a permanent ministry of acolyte for the male laity. The implementation of the reform of minor orders in Poland is set against the background of the liturgical reform carried out in accordance with the directives of the Second Vatican Council. Complementing the reform of the minor orders of Pope Paul VI, the amendment to Can. 230 § 1 of the CIC/83 made by Pope Francis in 2021 introduces a permanent acolyte ministry for female members of the Church.
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