The Relevancy of Natural Law

  • Tadeusz Guz The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: God; eternal law; natural law; subjectivization of natural law; relativization of natural law; Europe


In the face of legal positivism which is spreading both in Europe and in the whole world towards different directions and systems of juristic thinking relativizing the truth about ordo iuris as, among other things, the foundation of overall development of psychical and spiritual life, it is worth recalling the existence of ius naturae and consider it anew. Detaching the legal-natural order from eternal, unchangeable and absolutely perfect God inevitably leads to relativization of natural law in its attributes: universality, objectiveness and invariability of its most important principles, which for a human person means not only losing the true Creator from the horizon of existence and thoughts, but also losing “the absolute point of reference” (J. Ratzinger) of moral and legal nature. Reversion to the classically viewed natural law in the context of creating the common constitution for the Old Continent seems an especially urgent matter for Europe as the cradle of the rational cognition and the conscious and free acceptance of natural law, which Jesus of Nazareth as true God and simultaneously true Man in one Person fulfilled in the most perfect way and sealed its up-to-date importance with His blood on Golgotha.


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