Petrine Privilage in Canonical Legal Order

  • Paulina Szablińska Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Keywords: Petrine privilege; Pauline privilege; favor of faith; pope’s authority


The author of this study carried out a thorough analysis of the regulations concerning the instistution of “Petrine Privilage” functioning in the canonical legal order. She has shown that the institution of “Petrine Privilage” is anchored in the papal authority understood in terms of the Vicar of Christ on earth. The marriages entered between Catholics and unbaptized non-Catholics can be dissolved by the power of papal authority. This is possible from the theoretical and legal aspects, because relationships such as this are not sacramental relationships which means that they do not represent absolute inseparability. The procedure in this matter has been defined in the Norms of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of 2001.


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