The Meaning of Propedeutic Period in the Formation of Candidates for Priesthood

  • Piotr Wierzbicki The Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Warsaw
Keywords: candidates of the priesthood; methods; kinds; tasks of formation


The aim of the article is to show the role of propedeutic period in the particular Church, in the formation of candidates for priesthood. The propedeutic period is a response to the decision of the Fathers of Vatican Council to seminary formation adapted to the needs of the particular Church. Pastores dabo vobis shows the need for this period. The information document of Congregation for Catholic Education seems to show existing models and inspire new research. The main task of the propedeutic period is to compensate for shortcomings of spiritual, human and intellectual formation. Due to the diversity of spiritual and psychological needs of particular churches the legislature offers freedom of organize leaves it at the discretion of the diocesan bishop. Polish Bishops' Conference recognized the need for this period in all Polish dioceses and identified its basic tasks, and entrusted their implementation into the hands as the diocesan bishop to carry out.


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