Polish Diaspora and Pastoral Care in North California in the Light of Jan Kowalik’s Activity

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Marek Grygiel


Jan Kowalik spent his emigration years in northern California, where he improved his professional skills. His life is inextricably linked with the history of the very diverse Polish diaspora over the San Francisco Bay and ethnic pastoral care. The article describes the Polish diaspora in California, which began to arrive in San Francisco Bay in the 1840s. Then, as a “labor emigration,” being the core of the Polish diaspora in California, it reached its peak in the 1920s, and was powered after the Second World War. In addition, the article shows the importance of the Catholic Church and pastors, especially the Society of Christ, to migrants.

Jan Kowalik became a chronicler of parish life and launched many initiatives promoting Polish culture. The most visible form of his activity was publishing activity. As the editor of “St. Adalbert Catholic Parish Bulletin” (published since April 23, 1976), in 1977 he began publishing his own column, “Polish Traces over the Bay,” dedicated to the past of Poles in California. In January 1979, he started to publish “God's Sowing.” The author of the article broadly discusses both publications, pointing out their authors and editorial collaborators.

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