Handing Down the Polish Language in the Family Abroad. A Particular Example

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Aleksandra Podhorodecka


The authoress presents the reasons and psychological conditioning of preserving the Polish language in one's own family. Its knowledge is regarded as a very valuable chance for children to know another (Polish) culture, and at the same time, it widens their horizons in an important way. Describing the process of learning and preserving the Polish language by the children who live in the English environment the authoress draws our attention to the fact that speaking Polish at home was never a subject of slightest doubts and discussions. It was a natural way of life in one's own family and among closest relatives. At the time when the children were small, there was not a TV set at time. Polish Saturday Schools, the youth organizations, the Polish Church, visits to Poland, and Polish life in London were of great help in preserving the Polish language. The authoress states that children will inevitably participate in English life, yet preserving the language of the country of origin is an important chance in one's life and it should not be wasted.

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