“Kurier z Grand Rapids” Weekly in 1906–1907

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Daniel Kiper


The article focuses on the history of one periodical published for Polish diaspora in Grand Rapids, presenting the contents of the “Grand Rapids Courier” weekly: the sections devoted to politics and social life, entertainment, literature, and women’s affairs. Also, the number and content of its advertising sections are presented. In following the history of the Courier, the author tried to demonstrate the phenomena and problems concerning the journalism of Polish diaspora in the first decade of the 20th century. The article applies the quantitative and qualitative methods of press content analysis. The short history of the periodical revealed, in a nutshell, attempts to consolidate the press circulation of American Polonia around several publishing houses, such as the newly established Associated Polish Press in America. The failure of the Courier illustrated the power of the eccentric forces within the circles of Polish diaspora journalists and publishers, conflicted and suspicious of new press companies.

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