The “Lublin” Polish Socialist Party in the Light of Articles from Robotnik Polski w Wielkiej Brytanii and Światło

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Piotr Juchowski


The licensed Polish Socialist Party (PPS) was active from September 1944 until its “reunification” with the Polish Workers’ Party in December 1948. According to the official propaganda narrative, the “Lublin” PPS was an independent party, having influence in the state apparatus, and it was concerned with the fate of the workers. It also made reference to the traditions (continuation) of the party established in 1892.

The article presents the activity of this party from the point of view of the representatives of the authentic PPS in exile. One of them was the newspaper “Robotnik Polski w Wielkiej Brytanii” [Polish Worker in Great Britain], published in London and headed by Adam Ciołkosz, and the monthly “Światło” [Light], published in Paris by Editor-in-Chief Zygmunt Zaremba.

The text discusses the history and authenticity of the “Lublin” PPS, its actual relations with the Polish Workers’ Party, the influence of this group in the state apparatus, intraparty differences and relations with western European parties.

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