Liberal Values in Twenty Years of Activity of the Border Guard in Poland

  • Paweł Mateusz Miszczuk Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Keywords: Constitution of the Polish Republic; Border Guard; liberal values; freedom; human rights; civil society; an officer of the Border Guard


Dissemination of liberal values in society is an important element in the development of modern democratic states. in Poland, after 1989., liberal values   appeared in a natural way as opposed to declining real socialism. Border Guard, which was set up in place of the Border Defence Forces to effectively carry out its tasks on the basis of a catalog of liberal values: the individualistic conception of man; freedom as the highest value ideological; the concept of civil society; equality before the law and the law; subjective recognition of natural human rights (the right to property, life, safety); the free market as the basis for the functioning of society in the economic and socio-political; state limited in its powers and functions; changes following an evolutionary, never revolutionary.

In the first part of this article was presented to outline the rights and duties of an officer of the Border Guard, which arise from the Polish Constitution and laws of a lower order. Mission officers of this formation in many respects is based on liberal values. Methods for performing the tasks, taking into account these values are referenced in the second part.


Salmonowicz W., Porozumienia Okrągłego Stołu. Warszawa 6 luty–kwietnia 1989 r., NSZZ „Solidarność” Region Warmińsko-Mazurski, [Olsztyn 1989].
