Special Economic Zones and Efficiency and Legal Aspects of Their Functioning

  • Georgij Czerewko Wydział Zamiejscowy Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL w Tomaszowie Lubelskim
  • Lubomyr Sopilnуk Lwowski Uniwersytet Biznesu i Prawa
  • Wasyl Pisnуj Lwowski Uniwersytet Biznesu i Prawa
  • Denys Czerewko Lwowski Narodowy Uniwersytet Agrarny w Dublanach
Keywords: free economic zones, efficiency, development


This article covers the results of theoretical principles of special economic zones creation and functioning efficiency as the efficient form of foreign capital allocation y and the form of regions development in both Poland and Ukraine. Some attention is devoted also to historical aspects of named above zones development.
