Differentia Specifica of the Budget Act According to Polish Constitution
According to Polish constitution the Budget act is one of acts in genere. Nonetheless some features of the Budget act (also mini-budget act) which differ it from the other acts make this act special, clearly differing it from the others. The differences between usual acts and the Budget act concern, most of all, legislative procedure. Firstly, the Budget bill may be submitted into the Sejm only by the Cabinet. Secondly, passing this bill and submitting it for President's approval should occur within four months since submitting the bill to the Sejm. Otherwise, President may shorten the term of parliament. Thirdly, the Senate has only twenty, instead of thirty, days to examine the Budget act handed over by the Sejm. The Senate can't reject the Budget act as well. Fourthly, President has only seven, instead of twenty one, days to sign the act and he hasn't the power of veto (he can't veto this act). Fifthly, Constitutional Tribunal has only two months to pass a sentence on the Budget act accord with constitution. The Budget act has also exceptional content which determines as with content of many other acts and execution of their regulations, so with activity of governing body, especially executive one which executes the Budget act. The way in which execution of the Budget act is controlled is different as well. Controlling execution of the Budget act, the Sejm also controls simultaneously the Cabinet which is responsible for executing the Budget act. Moreover, not every regulation of the Budget act has general and abstract character which is typical for acts regulations. Finally, the Budget act is always passed for time determined by constitution in advance, that is for budgetary year which is the same as calendar year. Exceptionally it may go to effects for shorter time than budgetary year (mini-budget act).
All those differences weigh in favour of treating the Budget act as a sui generis act. Nevertheless they don't justify treating the Budget act as a source of law different from other acts. In other words, the Budget act has the same force of law as other acts, occupying the same position in hierarchy of law sources.
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