The Sacramental Character of Moral Life

  • Krzysztof Jeżyna The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: sacraments; personal; ecclesial; social dimensions of sacraments


The post-Council reflection on understanding sacraments and their significance for moral Christian life should show their personalistic and salutary, ecclesial and social dimension. Holy sacraments have the character of a personal encounter with Christ, and through Him – with the Father and the Holy Spirit. God turns to the man with His gift of salvation and makes him able to accept the gift and give an answer. Accepting sacramental gifts requires understanding the moral imperative in them, which makes a Christian's moral life acquire the style of sacramental life. The Church that is a sacrament, owing to the presence of Christ-Sacrament in it, is the natural environment for the growth and development of moral life. A new emphasis in the post-Council revival is that Christians, as members of the Church-sacrament, should become a „sacrament” of Christ's presence and His salutary mystery in the world.


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