Doświadczenie ewangelizatora według świadectwa Kiko Arguello

  • Jan Krzysztof Miczyński Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: kerygmat; ewangelizacja; kenosis; nawrócenie; doświadczenie


Kiko-Argüello’s testimony contains a description of his conversion, growing in faith and of his service to God in the Church. It shows a figure of a man who became an evangelizer. The experience of kenosis, a charismatic experience of God in one’s inside as well as in other people – the poor – is inscribed in the history of his life. Kiko emphasizes the power of God’s action during the preaching of the kerygma – the Gospel. He points to the signs, owing to which modern non-believers open their ears to the preaching of the Gospel. They are: unity among the disciples of Jesus and their love for their enemies. The article shows the importance of modern Christians’ mission of evangelization of in the secularized world.


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