The Ignatian formula contemplativus in action as an efficient aid in new evangelization

  • Andrzej Jakub Małysa The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: contemplation; acting; St Ignatius; Ignatian sprituality; Spiritual exercises; new evangelization


The present article is an attempt to look at new evangelization paying special attention to efficiency on the side of the subject conducting it. The disposition that is singled out here is the contemplative attitude when acting. Of all the examples in history of spirituality the figure of St Ignatius of Loyola seems to be the most proper one to show such a style of life. As a point of reference his Spiritual Exercises are used that constitute an especially useful tool for preparing apostles, who amidst various evangelizing undertakings never lose sight of what is most important – the very Lord, who, as the only One, may make what is sown grow and obtain the desired fruit.


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