Community evangelization born from the Church’s experience of communion

  • Paweł Synoś The Higher Theological Seminary in Rzeszów
Keywords: evangelization; Church; community; brotherhood; unity


In the article the issue of community evangelization springing from the Church’s experience of communion is undertaken. In its initial part the concepts of evangelization and the Church’s communion are precisely defined. Then the author stresses that the Church by its nature has the character of community, which results from both the social nature of man and God’s idea to lead people to salvation not individually, but as a community. Small Christian communities have a special place in the work of evangelization, and it is in them that the Church’s shepherds see one of the most important signs of its revival. It is exactly them that allow to keep and develop faith in the modern world, and at the same time they become dynamic circles involved in evangelization. They give the world a testimony of unity and of Christian love. This love is expressed in preaching the truth of the Gospel, it is fed and consolidated by common celebration of liturgy, and it is made concrete by the service to all people, especially the ones afflicted with suffering.


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