To be More of a Man

  • Antoni J. Nowak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: religion; ideology; maturity; to be in Christ


The whole argument of the paper focuses on Christ. The introduction emphasises that the very concept of the “person” enters language in the wake of the coming of Christ. Christ is the only way to the Trinitarian God and to other human beings. The author presents how various religions, philosophical systems and ideologies have been unsuccessful in describing what it means to be more human. What kind of parliament or research can give criteria of this becoming, if the human person is the highest value of the natural world. Refuting on the logical grounds the impossibility of becoming more of a man under any of the systems analysed, one has to accept the PERSON of Jesus Christ as the decisive factor for this becoming. It is only the relationship to Jesus Christ as a person which makes human beings more human. This was splendidly worded by Vaticanum II: “whoever follows after Christ, as the perfect man, he becomes himself more of a man” (cf. Gaudium et spes 41). The paper ends in ten theses, which conclude upon the research presented in the paper.


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