The Patronage of Saints and Blesseds in the Legislation of the Latin Church

  • Tadeusz Syczewski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: patronage; saints; cult; calendar; Latin Church


The Patronage of Saints and Blesseds in the Legislation of the Latin Church is comprised of the following particular matters: the juridical-dogmatic foundations of the cult of saints and blesseds; why we observe the cult of saints and blesseds; what are the causes for development of the cult of saints. In addition are presented the rules for adding saints to the General Roman Calendar and also for inscribing saints and blesseds into the liturgical calendar as well as establishing patron saints for provinces, counties, cities, larger territories, streets, associations, schools, universities, and religious community families.

The particular details regarding the calendar of a given country and introducing new saints to the calendar are contained in current documents of the Latin rite Church. These documents emphasize that all commemorations concerning the particular Church which are included in the calendar, are to be subordinated to the commemorations of the universal Church, in conformity with the directives of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. It belongs to this Congregation to evaluate the conditions presented in requests, to assign liturgical ranking, and to introduce petitions to the Holy Father.

Saints can also be established – with the approval of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments – as patrons of provinces, counties, cities, larger territories, streets, associations, schools, universities, and religious community families. Blesseds however can only be established as patrons of places only with special permission granted by indult from the Holy See.


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Articles: Canon Law