Wymogi prowizji na urząd proboszcza w obowiązującym polskim ustawodawstwie synodalnym
In the provision of the office of the pastor, norms of universal law and particular law must be observed. In canons 521 §§2–3, 522, 527 §§2–3, and 538 §1, the code legislator refers to regulations applicable in particular Churches.
The legislation of Polish synods clarified requirements for administrative acts of the provision of the office of pastor. They pertain to ecclesiastical authority, candidates for the post of pastor, the entrusting of the office and the formalities associated with these acts. Provisions of universal law were replicated or paraphrased in the majority of the synodal regulations. However, innovative directives concerning diocesan bishops or requirements for candidates for the office of pastor are spelled out in some of them. Typically, these would be the completion of a special formation course and passing of an examination for pastors.
For a provision to be valid, the office must be vacant. The reasons for the loss of office also are defined in the law of synods. Also, reasons due to the age of pastors are regulated. Only some synods require a written form of the act entrusting the office of pastor.
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