The Forgotten Synod of 1938. The Course and Statutes of the Second Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów
An ecclesiastical council typically involves a profound examination of issues of doctrine and practices which the Church should incorporate in its mission. At the regional and local level, plenary, metropolitan and diocesan synods play an analogous role to the one fulfilled by ecumenical councils. Diocesan synods deserve particular attention because their origin lies in the needs of local particular Churches. By offering disciplinary, pastoral and spiritual guidance, they build a concrete ecclesial reality, reaching the basic church and social communities. Each synod has its own special place in the history of a diocese, and its positive impact is not restricted merely to the formulated proposals.
In 1938 it was ten years since the First Synod and the diocesan bishop was obliged by the Code of Canon Law (1917) to convene the Second Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów. This was not the only motive because in 1936 the First Plenary Synod of Poland took place. The event made it necessary to adapt the diocesan legislation to the resolutions of that Synod.
The subject of the article was formulated as follows: The Forgotten Synod of 1938. The Course and Statues of the Second Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów. Why forgotten? To date there have been four synods in the diocese. All studies concerning the synodal legislation of the Diocese of Tarnów have relied solely on three synods. Upon an examination of the Second Synod, we come across a curt phrase saying that “the statutes of this Synod have gone missing.” No research has been done to reconstruct the statues of the Synod. The presented study is an attempt to familiarise the Reader with the motives, course and chief topics addressed by the Second Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów.
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