Center of Social Integration and Its Role in Implementation Objectives Raised of Employment Social System

  • Piotr Kawka The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: help; people; marginalization; cooperation; work


The social employment system are complementary to the social assistance system. Among the all institutions introduced in its framework exactly centers of social integration have the greatest influence on the fulfillment of the primary objective of the system, which is take measures to improve human life and preventing the marginalization of certain social groups by their social and professional reintegration. The suitability of centers can be proved by the fact that every year the network is growing.

Implementation of these objectives is a difficult and expensive task of centers of social integration, but in the longer term it contributes to greater empowerment of these people in the labor market and helps them to assimilate the appropriate social attitudes. In this aspect, the activities carried out by centers of social integration have a positive impact on their participants. It should however be remembered that in order to ensure the effective functioning of the center of social integration, it must be guaranteed the necessary funds and trained staff. Even more important is to develop better methods of cooperation between the units of local businesses and institutions of social welfare.


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Articles: Administration