Office of State General Solicitors of Austria. Part II: Competences of the Authority and Its Employees

  • Bronisław Sitek SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Keywords: protection of the rights and interests of the State; Austria; Office of State General Solicitors; competences; commission; rights and interests of the state; lawyer of the Austrian Office of State General Solicitors


Austria has adopted a centralized model of the legal assistance provided to the federal authorities and institutions specified in the Act on Office of State General Solicitors of 2008. The scope of competence of this body is quite broad. The basic principle is that the Office of State General Solicitors is present in any case where there is a public interest, and therefore the Office does not only take the legal and civil defence of federal agencies, but also of the associations and the public funds, and even the federal states or municipalities. The Office of State General Solicitors deals with legal representation, prepares legal and legislative opinions and participates in settlements or mediation. The legal basis to take action by the Office of State General Solicitors is a the service contract. Attorneys of the Office of State General Solicitors are the most important group of employees of this office. Due to their high qualifications, they enjoy great respect among the legal profession. The attorney application lasts eight years and the applicant must pass the attorney exam and the internal office exam and take a three-year practice.


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Sitek Bronisław: Austriacka Prokuratoria Skarbu (Finanzprokuratur). Cz. I: Historia i struktura urzędu, Roczniki Nauk Prawnych XXVI (2016), nr 2, s. 177-190, DOI:

Articles: Administration