The gloss to the Constitutional Court’s Judgement of 8 july 2014, signature act K 7/13

  • Paulina Brejdak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: free of charge employee benefits; Person Income Tax; revenue


Presented gloss refers to the Constitutional Court’s Judgement of 8 July 2014, signature act K 7/13, concerning the taxation of revenue from free of charge employee benefits. Their essence is associated with one hand with a policy of incentive to efficient performance at work, on the other increment received by an employee of a particular dimension. The Constitutional Court in its judgement clearly shows all the obligatory criteria as a condition sine qua non for the taxation of free of charge employee benefits. Firstly, the benefits need to be properly interpreted and classified as those from the scope of the employment relationship. Secondly, free non-wage benefits must fulfill additional conditions pursuant to which there is taxable income. This commentary taking into account the previous resolutions of the Supreme Administrative Court and other judgement relating to the taxation of income from free of non-wage employee benefits.


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