Irrationality of Equality before the Law Argument in Lobbying for the Same-sex Couples “Marriages”

  • Krzysztof Orzeszyna The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: marriage between a man and woman; same-sex relationships; equality and non-discrimination law


Article concern issues related to irrationality of equality before the law argument in lobbying for the same-sex couples “marriages”. Marriage from natural reasons is a relationship of man and woman strictly connected with starting family and having children. Relationship of the same-sex partners should not provide them rights and responsibilies, which concern relationships of men and women. Despite of this, these persons are not discriminated, because their factual situation is different than situation of marriages. From that reason, it is justified to apply to them different legal norms, which are adjusted to their specific factual situation.


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Articles: Law