Institutional foundations for the development of the nuclear energy sector in Poland
The introduction of nuclear energy into the domestic energy mix is a highly complex issue that requires preparations to be made in many areas, especially in the legal, social, and technological spheres. One of the primary tasks facing the legislator, upon which the success of the whole enterprise hinges, is the correct determination of competences and mutual relationships of the organs of public administration operating in the nuclear sector. Under the existing law in Poland, the crucial role in the development of nuclear power industry is played by the Council of Ministers, a competent minister for the economy, Government Plenipotentiary for Polish Nuclear Energy Sector, President of the National Atomic Energy Agency, and the Nuclear Waste Neutralisation Facility.
This paper focuses on the statutory powers of these bodies, as well as isolation and assessment of those competences that play a major role in achieving the goal of building a nuclear power plant in Poland.
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