Exclusion of the faithful from the communion with the Church. Legal and theological aspects

  • Krzysztof Nykiel
Keywords: apostasy; schism; heresy; excommunication; crime; ecclesiastical criminal law


The paper describes the types of crimes against the faith and unity of the Church. The following crimes were analysed in detail: heresy, schism, and apostasy, the perpetration of which causes one to be removed from the communion with the Church. The Author explains the difference between sin and crime, emphasising that ecclesiastical criminal law punishes a crime, not sin, mentioning relevant penalties, namely excommunication and interdict. The consequences of such penalties, incurred by the active subject of crime, i.e. the perpetrator, are enumerated.

The Author recalls the disposition of can. 1357 of CIC/83 and provides an interpretation thereof, suggesting that the mission of the Church is not to punish people since punishments in the Church have a healing nature that fosters moral conversion.

Author Biography

Krzysztof Nykiel

Rev. PhD Krzysztof Nykiel – Apostolic Penitentiary


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Articles: Canon Law