Conditions of Privilege Cessation Provided by Can. 82 of CIC/83

  • Ginter Dzierżon Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Keywords: privilege; prescription; legislator


The presented study provides an interpretation of can. 82 of CIC/83. From the analysis it follows that the hypotheses codified in can. 82 result from positive law. The first hypothesis implies that the legislator does not allow for non-burdensome privileges to cease through prescription. This is due to the fact that a privilege holder can renounce a privilege, and this renouncement is legally valid if it has been accepted by a competent authority (can. 80, §1).

The second hypothesis implies that privileges burdensome to others cease through prescription (cann. 197-199). According to the doctrine, prescription is a similar process to a customary practice becoming law.


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Articles: Canon Law