Treaty Foundations of Judicial Cooperation Regadring Civil Matters in the EU

  • Bartłomiej Dąbała SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Keywords: European Union; law of civil procedure; judicial cooperation in civil matters in the EU; Treaty of Lisbon; treaty establishing the European Community; Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union


The article deals with today's most essential laws regulating judicial cooperation regarding civil cases in the EU countries. The legal basis is laid down in two treaties: Treaty establishing the European Community, as formulated by the Treaty of Amsterdam of 1997, and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The Author holds a view that the provisions of the former are of considerable importance since they permitted the most dynamic development of judicial cooperation in civil matters among the EU member states. The currently used solutions for this cooperation, on the other hand, are laid down in the latter treaty.

Articles: Law