Penal Law of the Perpetrator or of the Victim? The Axiological and Dogmatic Crisis in the Sphere of Penal Law

  • Marek Smarzewski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: victim; perpetrator; passive subject of a crime; active subject of a crime; crime; injured person; suspect; accused; crisis; axiology; dogmatics


In the paper considerations are presented on the meaning of the victim in relation to the perpetrator against the background of widely understood criminal law. At the same time, in his deductions, the Author also pays attention to the overall position of the passive and the active subject of the crime, considering current legal status. In this context also the lack of sufficient normative basis, which could provide an impulse to the effective realization of legal instruments which are supposed to serve to a injured person is pointed out.

Articles: Law