Inactivity of Public Administration Agencies Procedural Issues

  • Mirosław Karpiuk War Studies University
Keywords: public administration; inactivity of agency; complaint regarding inactivity


The article deals with procedural aspects of failure to undertake a certain type of activity, prescribed by the statute, to protect social needs, on the part of an administrative body. Also, legal mechanisms with respect to the above are discussed.

Public administration was instituted with a view to securing the needs of society and should be able to undertake appropriate actions to that end. Not always, though, organs of public administration are interested in taking necessary action. Increasingly, delays in deciding cases are being observed. Accordingly, a party needs to have legal means to file a complaint regarding the inactivity of an administrative agency, which is the case under the current legal system – a person can file a complaint regarding inactivity with an administrative court.

Articles: Administration