Self-Mutilation and Suicide Attempt as a Manifestation of Self-Destructive Mental Disorders as Impediments to Holy Orders in the Code of Canon Law by John Paul The Second

  • Przemysław Jaroszyński University of Wroclaw
Keywords: mental illness; impediments to Holy orders; orders


The article entitled „Mental illness and immaturity as impediments to holy orders in the Code of Canon Law by John Paul II” is an attempt to demonstrate how mental disorders manifested by purposeful wounding and by a suicide attempt become impediments to receiving holy orders, according to Canon 1041, item 5 (Code of Canon Law of 1983). The author describes when and under which circumstances those types of mental disorders become canonical abnormality. First, wounding with an intent and a suicide attempt are characterized from the perspective of psychological and psychiatric sciences. Then, the author discusses why an employer handles such mental disorders as abnormality in admitting to holy orders. The author presents actual threats and points out that they are impediments to holy orders, taking into account the supernatural and ecclesiastical aspects, as well as the human aspect.

Articles: Canon Law