The Passive Subject of the Crime as an Element of the Structure of the Crime

  • Marek Smarzewski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: perpetrator; victim; passive subject of a crime; active subject of a crime; crime; subject matter of an executory act; structure of a crime; aggrieved party


The article presents considerations on the victim understood as the passive subject of the crime. According to this conception by the passive subject of a crime is private or legal person or institution is meant whose legal interests were directly violated or threatened by the crime. Therefore the author indicates the place of the victim in the structure of crime as its subjective element. The article also contains the distinctions between the concept of the passive subject of the crime and the concepts of: victim within its meaning in victimology, injured person and subject matter of the executory act. The author shows also at the values and benefits, not only theoretical but also and perhaps even primarily practical, related to the introduction of the concept of the passive subject of the crime to the Polish criminal law.

Articles: Law