Status of the Executive in the Constitutional Articles of the Western States (1796-1819)

  • Katarzyna Maćkowska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
Keywords: executive branch; governor; secretary; treasurer; local officials; impeachment


One of the important aspects of the development of the executive power in the US is the constitutional regulations that were created between 1796 and 1819 in the Western States such as Tennessee, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois and Alabama. The following article contains a description of selected supreme acts. Here are briefly presented the following: general remarks about the term and manner of governor election, his sessions as well as rights and responsibilities, the function of other officials such as the treasurer, secretary, recorder, sheriff, coroner, and the procedure of impeachment. The article was written on basis of original texts of constitutions that can be found on the Internet.

Articles: Administration