Is the Organisation of the United Nations Unnecessary?

  • Katarzyna Myszona Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: the United Nations; international security; economic development


The present form of the United Nations seems to be helpless in relation to the basic functions to keep peace and security all over the world. It is unable to prevent conflicts that inflamed more and more frequently. This phenomenon becomes even more serious because armed actions are initiated by states (and none of their possible justifications can stand criticism from the point of view of compatibility with the international law). Until now the states have been particularly responsible for peace and security in the world.

The United Nations deal almost with all the domains of life, starting from security, disarmament and humanitarian aid, through socio-economic problems, to human rights, protection of the environment and the struggle against drugs. The time may have come to make the United Nations concentrate exclusively on social issues or economic development, thereby making it possible to create a new system of security. Such a system that would be more appropriate for the contemporary international relations.


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Articles: Administration