The Project of the Education about Religions in France

  • Krzysztof Orzeszyna Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: education about religions; lay state; Joutard's report; Debray's report


The question of the education about religions has been raised since a dozen or so years in France. It has been a subject of numerous debates, inspiring to reflection and respective standpoints. The reason why this subject is needed is a spectacular degradation of religious knowledge. The attendance to religious instruction is falling, parents have become indifferent to religious matters, and secularity among people is increasing. Thus a minimum of knowledge with regard to religion is necessary, so that one could understood the history of France, its current situation, and evaluate many literary or artistic works. Teaching the history of basic religions and religious culture may therefore its respective place in lay education.


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Debray R.: Rapport au ministre de l'Éducation nationale. L'Enseignement du fait religieux à l'École laïque, Paris 2002.

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Haguenau-Moizard C.: États et religions en Europe, Grenoble 2000.

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Articles: Canon Law