The Europe of the Spirit and the Duties Common to All Catholic Pastors in a United Europe (in the Light of the Instruction of the Congregation for the Clergy The Priest Pastor and Leader of the Parochial Fellowship of 4th August 2002)

  • Wiesław Wenz Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław
Keywords: the foundation of Europe; pastor priest; leader of a parochial fellowship


Permanence and unity of the European nations is dependent on the foundation on which the Europe of the Spirit had come to existence, and the civilisation of love in it. The gift of sainthood and noble righteousness is the climax where every man may continuously learn to know God rich in mercy.

The Church through her pastors takes responsibility for the formation of Christian identity and sets upon an arduous ministry in each fellowship. It is in a fellowship that a priest has a right to be actively supported by his parishioners and advisory bodies. This should be done in such a way as not to limit the authority of a parish priest as their leader. If his authority is limited, the identity of a parish itself may be seriously falsified. For it is its own pastor that should fulfil his duties.
